Saturday, September 29, 2012

Your Life Is Your Story

Everyone has a story.  Too bad most people never tell it. 

Shortly after embarking on this new 365 Challenge, I signed up to take an online class called "Writing Your Life Story."  Over 8 weeks, I joined 20+ other students as we slowly learned how to clear out the cobwebs and formulate our story.  

It's on my "bucket list" - to write my story.  While I'm still pretty young to be thinking of such a thing, I often times use personal experiences when I'm teaching, coaching or training others and many times am told "you need to write a book!"  Well... I plan to.  This was the first step.

It was a little weird being in a class again (it's been a really long time).  Having homework.  Sharing writing assignments and receiving constructive feedback.  Taking quizes and a final exam.  But it was all worth it.  I loved the class and plan to continue using what I learned.  

Plus I got 100% A+.  Now that made me really smile!


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