Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby Training

I had the immense pleasure of hanging with baby Brooklyn this past week... What a little cutie she is! Brooklyn is my sister Tricia's youngest daughter and the happiest baby I've been around. When you have three little ones, you welcome all the help you can get... especially in public. Since its rare that I get to see her, I jumped on the chance to spend one on one time with her. But because she's so little I also got to experience the Baby Bjorn. You know... that little backwards backpack looking device you see mothers wearing with small babies strapped to their front. I've never worn one of them before so it was definitely interesting getting it on (especially over a larger than normal chest)... But let me tell you how fabulous they are!! I got to snuggle with Brookie for extended periods of time while doing all sorts of things... Including enjoying a party, sharing a few cocktails, wearing high heels, chasing after her sisters... The list goes on and on. I know my sister enjoyed having a little break and I found a newfound respect for one of the most necessary (imho) baby accessories. :) - Christina


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