Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Flume Gorge

It's common knowledge that I have MS and sometime I find it difficult to walk on flat ground, let alone hike up stairs and mountains for two miles. After seeing and hearing all about this amazing area of the White Mountains, though, NOT doing it was NOT an option. According to the NH State Parks website, "The Flume was discovered in 1808 by 93-year-old “Aunt” Jess Guernsey when she accidently came upon it while fishing. She had trouble convincing her family of the marvelous discovery, but eventually persuaded others to come and see for themselves. At that time, a huge egg-shaped boulder hung suspended between the walls. The rock was 10 feet (3m) high and 12 feet (3.6m) long. A heavy rainstorm in June of 1883 started a landslide that swept the boulder from its place. It has never been found. The same storm deepened the gorge and formed Avalanche Falls."

This truly was a masterpiece of nature and I am so happy that I had the opportunity to experience it! *Jasmine
Dipping my achey feet in the natural stream after the 2 miles trek up and down the Gorge


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