Sunday, January 27, 2013

Metro Life Church

It's been over two months and finding a local church has been weighing heavy on my heart.  My grandmother is Catholic, and while I never mind attending mass with her out of support, I just don't get anything from the pomp and circumstance that the church has become.  

I want to find a small enough nondenominational church where I feel its intimacy but am not overwhelmed by it. I want to be able to connect, make friends, learn, grow and contribute.  
I want a place to "fit."

After doing some research, I found Metro Life Church.  It happens to be on my daily route to the gym, so I have passed it a dozen plus times without realizing it.  Last week I made a point to spot it.  To see where it was located so I could return this weekend.

And of course I was running late.  Which is actually not like me at all.  If I'm on time, I feel ten minutes late.  Today I WAS ten minutes late. I almost didn't go.  That's how anal I am about being on time.  I'd rather just not show up somewhere than walk in ten minutes late.  But something forced me to turn in.  To walk in.  To join in the service.

I liked it.  Different than what I'm used to (which of course is two very large non-denominational churches in Orlando, FL).  Very intimate and small.  I have a feeling EVERYONE knows everyone.  The majority of the attendees where young.  Everyone was friendly.  The message was good, though parts made me frown.  No where is perfect, I know that.  Maybe I'll check out a few more options before deciding.  But at least I checked it out.  At least I took that first step! :) ~ Christina


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