Saturday, August 11, 2012

Crafting Zen

Now that I've established my Martha Stewart tendencies, I decided to attempt another craft this weekend.  I've been wanting to purchase a few lavender eye pillows for my yoga classes (the few that I've done with friends preparing for my certification) but again, the cost just seems higher than necessary.  So I decided to try and make some.  Wanting something soothing and relaxing to use during Savasana (restful pose at the end of yoga), I opted for flax seeds and dried lavender flowers (soothing and relaxing in that order) inside a silky cotton material. Thank goodness my mother taught me to sew then I was small (though its been decades since I was back on a sewing machine).  After a few ill attempts, I finally produced a few decent eye pillows.  Above are two examples. I forgot how hard sewing can be with a machine!  The smell alone is amazing... and with the combination of the flax seeds, I'm in love! I can't wait to teach my next class and be able to hand out these fabulous little slices of zen.  They are definitely not "sale" quality but that's not what I intended.  Yay for DIY crafts!


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